Academic Papers

Please find below some of my academic research papers (listed chronologically). My recent research papers are available from my author page at

Working Papers

Boloorforoosh, A., P. Christoffersen, M. Fournier, and C. Gourieroux, 2017, Beta Risk in the Cross-Section of Equities, Review of Financial Studies. Revise and Resubmit.

Christoffersen, P., B. Feunou, Y. Jeon, and C. Ornthanalai, 2017, Time-Varying Crash Risk: The Role of Stock Market Liquidity. Working Paper.

Christoffersen, P., and X. Pan, 2017, The State Price Density Implied by Crude Oil Futures and Option Prices. Working Paper.

Christoffersen, P., M. Fournier, K. Jacobs, and M. Karoui, 2017, Option-Based Estimation of Co-Skewness and Co-Kurtosis Risk. Working Paper.


Christoffersen, P., A. Lunde, and K. Olesen, 2018, Factor Structure in Commodity Futures Return and Volatility, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.

Babaoglu, K., P. Christoffersen, P., S. Heston and K. Jacobs, 2018, Option Valuation with Volatility Components, Fat Tails, and Non-Monotonic Pricing Kernels, Review of Asset Pricing Studies, forthcoming.

Christoffersen, P., and X. Pan, 2018, Oil Risk Exposure and Expected Stock Returns, Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming.

Christoffersen, P., R. Goyenko, K. Jacobs, and M. Karoui, 2018,  Illiquidity Premia in the Equity Options Market, Review of Financial Studies, 31, 811–851. Lead article. Editor’s Choice.

Christoffersen, P., M. Fournier, and K. Jacobs, 2018, The Factor Structure in Equity OptionsReview of Financial Studies, 31, 595–637.

Christoffersen, P., K. Jacobs, X. Jin, and H. Langlois, 2018, Dynamic Dependence in Corporate CreditReview of Finance, 22, 521–560.

Christoffersen, P., D. Du, and R. Elkamhi, 2017, Rare Disasters and Credit Market PuzzlesManagement Science, 63, 1341–1364.

Christoffersen, P., K. Jacobs, and B. Li, 2016, Dynamic Jump Intensities and Risk Premiums in Crude Oil Futures and Options Markets, Journal of Derivatives, 24, 8-30.

Christoffersen, P., B. Feunou, Jeon, Y., 2015, Option Valuation with Observable Volatility and Jump Dynamics, Journal of Banking and Finance, 61, S101-S120.

Amaya, D., P. Christoffersen, K. Jacobs, and A. Vasquez, 2015, Does Realized Skewness Predict the Cross-Section of Equity Returns? Journal of Financial Economics, 118, 135-167.

Christoffersen, P. B. Feunou, K. Jacobs and N. Meddahi, 2014, The Economic Value of Realized VolatilityJournal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 49, 663–697.

Option Pricing Code is Available Here: DropboxLink

Christoffersen, P., C. Dorion, K. Jacobs, and L. Karoui, 2014, Nonlinear Kalman Filtering in Affine Term Structure ModelsManagement Science, 60, 2248-2268.

Christoffersen, P., V. Errunza, K. Jacobs, and X. Jin, 2014, Correlation Dynamics and International Diversification BenefitsInternational Journal of Forecasting, 30, 807-824.

Christoffersen, P. and H.Langlois, 2013, The Joint Dynamics of Equity Market FactorsJournal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 48, 1371-1404.

Chang, B., P. Christoffersen, and K. Jacobs, 2013, Market Skewness Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock ReturnsJournal of Financial Economics, 107, 46-68.

Christoffersen, P., S. Heston and K. Jacobs, 2013, Capturing Option Anomalies with a Variance-Dependent Pricing KernelReview of Financial Studies, 26, 1962-2006.

Christoffersen, P., V. Errunza, K. Jacobs and H.Langlois, 2012, Is the Potential for International Diversification Disappearing? A Dynamic Copula Approach. Review of Financial Studies, 25, 3711-3751.

Christoffersen, P., K. Jacobs, and C. Ornthanalai, 2012, Dynamic Jump Intensities and Risk Premiums: Evidence from S&P500 Returns and OptionsJournal of Financial Economics, 106, 447-472.

Option Pricing Code is Available Here: DropboxLink.

Chang, B., P. Christoffersen, K. Jacobs, and G. Vainberg, 2012, Option-Implied Measures of Equity RiskReview of Finance, 16, 385-428.

Berkowitz, J., P. Christoffersen and D. Pelletier, 2011, Evaluating Value-at-Risk Models with Desk-Level DataManagement Science, 57, 2213-2227.

Christoffersen, P., K. Jacobs and K. Mimouni, 2010, Models for S&P 500 Volatility Dynamics: Evidence from Realized Volatility, Daily Returns, and Option PricesReview of Financial Studies, 23, 3141-3189.

Christoffersen, P., R. Elkamhi, B. Feunou, and K. Jacobs, 2010, Option Valuation with Conditional Heteroskedasticity and Non-NormalityReview of Financial Studies, 23, 2139-2183.

Christoffersen, P., C. Dorion, K. Jacobs and Y. Wang, 2010, Volatility Components: Affine Restrictions and Non-normal InnovationsJournal of Business and Economic Statistics, 28, 483-502.

Option Pricing Code is Available Here: DropboxLink.

Christoffersen, P., S. Heston and K. Jacobs, 2009, The Shape and Term Structure of the Index Option Smirk: Why Multifactor Stochastic Volatility Models Work so WellManagement Science, 55, 1914-1932.

Christoffersen, P., K. Jacobs, C. Ornthanalai and Y. Wang, 2008, Option Valuation with Long-run and Short-run Volatility ComponentsJournal of Financial Economics, 90, 272-297.

Option Pricing Code is Available Here: DropboxLink

Christoffersen, P. and F. Diebold, 2006, Financial Asset Returns, Direction-of-Change Forecasting, and Volatility Dynamics, Management Science, 52, 1273-1287.

Christoffersen, P., H. Chung and V. Errunza, 2006, Size Matters: The Impact of Capital Market Liberalization on Individual Firms, Journal of International Money and Finance, 25, 1296-1318.

Christoffersen, P., S. Heston and K. Jacobs, 2006, Option Valuation with Conditional Skewness, Journal of Econometrics, 131, 253-284.

Option Pricing Code is Available Here: DropboxLink

Christoffersen, P. and S. Mazzotta, 2005, The Accuracy of Density Forecasts from Foreign Exchange Options, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 3, 578-605.

Christoffersen, P. and S. Goncalves, 2005, Estimation Risk in Financial Risk Management, Journal of Risk, 7, 1-28.

Christoffersen, P. and K. Jacobs, 2004, Which GARCH Model for Option Valuation? Management Science, 50, 1204-1221.

Christoffersen, P. and K. Jacobs, 2004, The Importance of the Loss Function in Option Valuation, Journal of Financial Economics, 72, 291-318.

Christoffersen, P. and D. Pelletier, 2004, Backtesting Value-at-Risk: A Duration-Based Approach, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2, 84-108.

Christoffersen, P., E. Ghysels and N. Swanson, 2002, Let’s Get ‘Real’ about Using Economic Data, Journal of Empirical Finance, 9, 343-360.

Christoffersen, P., J. Hahn and A. Inoue, 2001, Testing and Comparing Value-at-Risk Measures, Journal of Empirical Finance, 8, 325-342.

Christoffersen, P. and F. Diebold, 2000, How Relevant is Volatility Forecasting for Financial Risk Management? Review of Economics and Statistics, 82, 12-22.

Christoffersen, P. and L. Giorgianni, 2000, Interest Rate Arbitrage in Currency Baskets: Forecasting Weights and Measuring Risk, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 18, 242-253.

Christoffersen, P., 1998, Evaluating Interval Forecasts. International Economic Review, 39, 841‑862.

Christoffersen, P. and F. Diebold, 1998, Cointegration and Long Horizon Forecasting, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 16, 450-458.

Christoffersen, P. and F. Diebold, 1997, Optimal Prediction under Asymmetric Loss, Econometric Theory, 13, 808‑817.

Christoffersen, P. and F. Diebold, 1996, Further Results on Forecasting and Model Selection under Asymmetric Loss, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11, 561‑571.